I am a beginner developer learning the ropes of indie game development and trying my hand at becoming part of this massive community!
I am a 32 year old married man, and my day job takes up the majority of my free time, so it can be quite challenging to squeeze in some development/learning between work and other responsibilities but I am determined!
The majority of projects you will see on my page will be small projects, either Game Jam projects or a project focusing on another aspect of my journey in learning Game Development and so that I can familiarize myself with the Itch platform and responding to feedback etc.
To everyone that comes across one of my games; thanks for playing! If you have any feedback, no matter how small, or ideas that could improve it you are welcome to leave a comment. I might sometimes take a while to get back to you, as I need to make it a habit of frequently checking, but I will do my best!